From Company to Customer (B2C)

This form refers to the process of selling products and services directly to consumers who are the end users of the company’s products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies.

From One Company to Another (B2B)

This form represents the company’s sale of its products or services to another company. For example, a tire company can sell some of its tires to a car maker company.

Also read: A Simplified Definition of Commercial Law

From Company to Government (B2A)

This is when a company sells its products or services to any institution related to the government, especially in areas such as social security, employment, and legal documents.

From Consumer to Government (C2A)

This is when the consumer offers something to a government institution or deals with it. This could be in areas such as education and health.

Also read: The Most Important Branches of Commercial Law

From Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

This model represents business operations between consumers themselves. The consumer can sell a product to another consumer on some online platform, such as eBay.

From Consumer to Company (C2B)

This is when individuals provide their services to companies. For example, an individual can present ideas for developing a company’s products, or make an opinion about its products.

Also read: The Importance of Having a Commercial Lawyer Before Starting Your Investment